Gaming and gaming health & safety


4 Courses We Need in Mario Kart 8: Deluxe DLC

Nintendo is spoiling us with four waves of DLC (downloadable content) for Mario Kart 8: Deluxe. They've included new tracks, old tracks, and some classic tracks with new twists! Here are five must-see tracks that will have all Mario Kart fans driving for hours.  1. Maple Treeway (Mario Kart: Wii on Nintendo Wii)  You can get some serious height in this giant forest. Watch out for Wigglers, some sharp turns, and piles of leaves with hidden banana peels! I absolutely love the music to this track. It's so lively and really embodies the autumn season. There is some great scenery, too, as you drive through falling leaves and elaborate tree houses.  2. Daisy Cruiser (Mario Kart: Double Dash on Nintendo GameCube) It’s one of the more challenging and exciting levels of this game....

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Games vs Injuries: Ideas for Preventing Injuries in any Genre

Games vs Injuries: Ideas for Preventing Injuries in any Genre

With the esports landscape evolving and increasingly more game developers appealing to the competitive aspect of video games, it feels almost overwhelming to pick a new game to focus on. At the same time, one thing that can be said for certain about the rise in esports is that there’s a danger of gaming-related injuries. With that in mind, we wanted to put together a little cheat sheet of injuries for the different types of competitive games out there.  Whether it be a fast-paced shooter or a methodical card game, many esports have some amount of risk of injury associated with them, so let's break them down! Shooters (Battle Royales, FPS, etc.) Shooters tend to be the most problematic of the genres for injuries. They focus on a lot of fine motor skills and general movement of the...

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Why Super Mario Galaxy is Still the Best Mario Game

With all of the hype that surrounded Super Mario Odyssey back in 2017, it was sure to be the greatest Nintendo platform game yet. As much as Odyssey impressed many, I was left comparing it to an earlier platform game: Super Mario Galaxy. Released ten years prior to Odyssey, Galaxy had quickly become a classic in the series. Here are some reasons why Galaxy is still the definitive Mario game. Engaging Story and Characters In Odyssey Bowser has kidnapped Princess Peach, plans to marry her, and wreaks havoc in other kingdoms. It's a harmless and fun story, but the stakes aren't as high as with Galaxy. Galaxy's story involves Bowser stealing stars from the Comet Observatory, the home for Rosalina and the Lumas. As you collect the stars for the Observatory, you learn more about Rosalina and...

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Cupping for Gamers

Cupping for Gamers

Depending on your setup, you have probably felt aches and pains after a long session of gaming. Many gamers, professional or casual, experience significant pain in their wrists, shoulders, and back[1]. This is due to the long periods gamers spend sitting in sometimes uncomfortable positions that strain key muscle groups, nerves, and the spine. While the best method to help reduce pain is to take regular breaks and limit gaming sessions, this is not always feasible when one is training for competitive play or seriously invested in an engrossing quest line[1]. Painkillers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) are helpful for muscle pains caused by extended gaming, but they adversely affect the body if used in excess[2]. As a result, many gamers look for alternative options to help safely manage...

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DLC that We Need for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge

Gamers got a treat with a new Ninja Turtles game this year. It's a fun, beat-'em-up, action-packed nod to retro adventures from the '80s. As fun as the game is, it's has some problems, though. Here are some improvements that can make this already great game even more radical. Patches for Glitches Though some patches have already been made, there is still some work to be done for glitches. At times, switching between difficulties can cause achievements to disappear. I played Story Mode on the Okay difficulty and then Arcade Mode on Chill; I lost my Arcade Mode achievements. I've also experienced launch errors, characters freezing in the air during aerial attacks, and even falling through the ground without a hole being there. These are the kinds of tweaks that would really improve the...

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Compression Wear Enhances Gaming

Compression Wear Enhances Gaming

Over the last couple of years, many esports professionals have started to expand their focus from gaming gear and equipment (e.g., headsets, controllers, ergonomic chairs) to performance wear that enhances the experience. A particular type of gaming wear that is quickly gaining momentum as an important commodity for professional gamers and esports enthusiasts is the compression garment.  According to research, compression that applies about 15 mmHg of pressure can help boost blood flow and reduce the levels of lactic acid, also known as lactate [1]. Lactic acid is a substance produced by muscle tissue in response to exertion. Increased levels of lactic acid in the blood usually signal muscle fatigue due to exercise. Reduced levels of lactic acid help enhance muscle stamina by prolonging...

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Sonic Frontiers: What’s Good and What’s Bad

From what we've seen of footage for Sonic Frontiers, it looks like there's a very different adventure in store for Sonic. In the game, you get to explore Starfalls Island, as you search for the Chaos Emeralds. Though some things look great, others look questionable. Here are some things that might work and some things that might not.    Gotta go fast…kind of In Frontiers, you can explore completely new terrain that looks like Mario Odyssey or even Breath of the Wild: waterfalls, beautiful green mountains, and clear waters. There may be more of a free-roaming, 3D element to the game. Certain Sonic games, such as 3D Blast, get it right, as you can still loop de loop and have a fast-paced bonus level. However, a game like Sonic Boom fails miserably because the fast-paced...

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5 Easter Eggs that We’re Crossing our Fingers for in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The trailer for The Super Mario Bros. Movie is truly impressive and definitely brings the hype for Mario fans everywhere. Nintendo and Illumination have outdone themselves with the graphics and overall fun tone, but what else could make the movie great for gamers? Here are some ideas! 1. "Let's a-go!" After popping out of nowhere amidst several mushrooms, Toad invites Mario to follow him to Mushroom Kingdom. We get to hear Chris Pratt's Mario say "Mushroom Kingdom: here we come!" This isn't too far from saying "Let's a-go," but it's not quite the same. Hopefully, this will evolve into the iconic line that we all know and love by the end of the movie.  2. Yoshi  Let's face it: the crowd would go wild if Yoshi popped up in the movie. Mario's green, dinosaur companion has been...

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How to Fight Gamer Rage

How to Fight Gamer Rage

Have you ever rage-quit during a game before? If you said "no,"  you're lying. We've all been there, but how much rage is too much? Here are some tips for when your gamer rage starts to overflow. Try Positive Self-Talk What are you telling yourself when you lose a game? What does it mean to you? Most of the time, our opinions of ourselves can drive us crazy. You may be telling yourself: "I'm a loser." "I suck." "I can't do this." These are negative thoughts that can really take a toll on your gaming skills, as well as your daily life. Try practicing some positive affirmations or perspective to "I can do difficult things" or "Just because I lose doesn't mean I'm a loser." You have to be your own cheerleader in life, especially when you game! Play a More Relaxing Game Maybe it's just...

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Myofascial Release Can Relieve Muscle Tension

Repetitive actions and prolonged sitting can lead to muscle strains and aches in gamers and esports professionals. The most common injury sites are in the neck, wrist, fingers, forearms, elbows, and back [1]. Like other athletes, gamers should address these injuries as soon as they occur to avoid long-term problems that can reduce mobility and performance. Especially since playing video games for even just three hours a day is correlated with muscular dysfunction and injuries [2]. While it's common knowledge that you should take breaks, drink plenty of water, and stretch after playing video games, there are other activities that might help you get rid of muscle tightness and knots. Myofascial release, a type of massage, is an effective way to relieve pain and muscle aches [3, 4]....

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